7 Quick Takes

1. Mark started back at work after a week of vacation, and boy is this month going to be a doozy. He kicked off his month with the trauma surgery team with a 30 hour shift and will have 2-3 of those a week until February. It still completely baffles me that it is legal and expected for him to work such ridiculous hours. I can’t think of another profession where getting 4 days off a month is the norm.

Space play dough is much more fun than regular play dough 😉

2. The kids and I are limping back into the school year after 2 weeks of vacation from academia. It was a much needed break for all of us, but I was itching for our quiet routine by the end. My classroom space is still a mess thanks to G’s constant Christmas-creating, but we’ve been doing math, reading, and history without it. And we’ve been enjoying our Space Unit.

3. I’ve been working on reading more this year, and one of the books I’m currently in the middle of is Fr. Jacques Phillipe’s Time for God. It is my favorite type of spiritual reading- meaty, but also practical, easy to understand even when I’m fried at the end of the day, but definitely not fluff. If you’ve been struggling with mental prayer lately, this book will encourage and support you. This quote hit me hard last night and made me feel much better about my distracted, but faithful attempts at prayer.

favorite quote currently

4. My mom is an absolute genius. On Monday morning I came downstairs after giving Charlotte a fresh diaper to find her using garden shears to take our Christmas tree down so as to avoid the mess of dragging it through the house and having needles everywhere. I would have never thought of it, but dang, isn’t that clever?

5. See this race car? It’s at The Henry Ford, which if you couldn’t guess, is William’s happy place. But this car, is extra special, because Mark’s grandfather helped build part of it. It is now our kids’ favorite exhibit. So cool.

This is what I get when I ask for a smile.

6. We signed G up for her first real activity- Ninja Gym. It is the absolute perfect fit for her personality. The coolest part is that the gym owners are a local homeschooling family (it’s only about a mile up the road), and so they have a daytime homeschool PE class option. She was nervous at first going in, but the challenge is good for her, and she really enjoyed it. No photos though, because she was a blur.

7. I haven’t forgotten about the next post in the Montessori Language series. I promise it’s coming, hopefully and kids willing, in the next day or two.

Linking up with Kelly this week, so click on over to read the rest of the 7QTs.