3 Reasons Lectio Divina is the perfect fit for your family prayer

I absolutely love praying lectio divina. It’s simple, fruitful, and roots me more deeply in Christ.

It’s also the perfect form of prayer for family use. Here are 3 reasons why:

family lectio divina

1. You’ll learn what God’s voice sounds like

and be able to teach your children how to hear it!

Lectio is quite simply, praying with Scripture. And since Scripture is God’s word, the more we pray with it, the more easily we are able to recognize God’s voice. The more our children hear God’s voice, the easier it will be for them to filter out the world’s noise and listen to the still, small Voice of the One who made them.

2. You’ll gain insight into your children

The sharing that is part of the lectio divina process will give you insight into what your kids are thinking and feeling, and, more importantly, what God is speaking to their hearts. Knowing how God is working in my kids’ lives helps me parent them better because I can work with God, not against Him.

3. With lectio divina you’ll be able to create a sustainable family culture of prayer

The framework of lectio divina makes it easy to create a culture of prayer. The hard work of figuring out what to do with your prayer time is done for you! This method provides scaffolding while also allowing your family to grow and develop relationships with God organically.

If your family is searching for way to start praying together, I really encourage you to check out lectio divina as an option. I hope you’ll find it as fruitful as I have.

Interested in learning more? 

how to pray lectio divina