An Almost Thanksgiving 7QT

So we (meaning my mom and I) are deep in the middle of a pre-Thanksgiving cleaning, but Charlotte refused a nap and is super duper fussy, so she’s eating an early dinner of cereal, and I’m taking a break to type out some quick takes.

Montessori at home: wood polishing

1.We host my family each year for Thanksgiving and it is such FUN. It’s the only time of year we get to see my brother and his family, so we really cherish the time. My aunt and uncle are coming out for the week too, more on that below. My cousin TJ will be with us on Wednesday. Annnd my other uncle is flying in for a quick one-day visit on Friday. I am beyond excited to have so much time with them.

2. My aunt and uncle, M and John, are driving out to us this year because they are bringing a hutch that belonged to my Nana and a piano that my grandfather bought her when she was little. She and I both learned to play on it, and now G will too. The sentamentalist in me tears up at having a piece of both of my grandparents in our new home.

3. Piano lessons!!!! A friend of mine and I are swapping skills, and are going to spend one morning a week together with our kiddos. I’ll share my Montessori expertise with her and she’ll teach G how to play.

G coloring the gorgeous O Antiphons from My Little Patron

4. I am both in denial that November is already almost over, and totally ready to swap out my fall decor for Advent/Winter stuff. The snow that we got last week definitely flipped the switch in my head to “winter”.

a blurry shot of Gram’s board for the week- look at all that family time!

5. Elder Care Thanksgiving Tip: when we have a busy week ahead, I post a schedule/calendar on a whiteboard in Gram’s room. That way she can see who is coming and what’s happening, and if she forgets, she doesn’t have to sit silently in confusion or ask for a reminder in front of people. It also cuts down on the times that she gets mad because we “didn’t tell her” what was happening.

6. Advent preps: I’m stockpiling and planning and prepping for Advent like a fiend over here, because I so love this season, and I’m not super pregnant or caring for a tiny baby, so I feel like I actually have the bandwidth for diving in to it. Check out what our family has planned here.

Look at all those amazing products!

7. Today is the FINAL DAY for the Advent Bundle from Catholic Mom Bundle It is beyond worth the $25 for all that you get. If you’ve been waiting to pull the trigger or had it on your to-do list and then forgot- take a moment now to head on over and get yours now!

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