7 Of My Favorites To Help You Shop Small This Year

Small businesses have taken a hit this year, and as we approach the Christmas season, it’s a great time to support them. Here are 7 of my favorite shops to help you shop small this year:

1.Annunciation Designs: Elayne is a master at creating beautiful products for children and adults alike. My favorite products: her super gorgeous swaddle blankets, the #saintgoals banners, and her saint goals shirts for boys and girls.

2. Faith and Fabric Designs: I could fangirl out about Jen’s work all day. Every pattern I’ve tried has been fabulous. If you’ve got a beginner sewer, check out her Sew-A-Saints, and if you have an advanced sewer you need a gift for, her sacred heart pattern is the stuff of dreams. For those who love the look of handmade but have no skill themselves, Jen has a variety of products for sale that she’s made herself too!

3. Seashell Nell: I may be a little biased as this shop is run by one of my nearest and dearests, but her stuff is gorgeous! If you’re in need of some fabulous greeting cards or a hand printed linocut, don’t miss out.

4. Worthy of Agape: I don’t even know that I could choose my favorite products from this amazing shop, but here’s what I’ve already purchased for gifts this year: a mass set (AMAZING, Santa is going to get major points for this), and the world’s coziest blanket with female saints all over it.

5. Rough 2 Rustic: This shop should be your go-to for absolutely stunning wooden décor. A perfect gift for this time of year: the Epiphany Blessing Sign.

6. The Little Rose Shop: I am always so impressed by the creativity of others, and Raquel has blown me away with her rosary wall hangings. And I may have snagged some of her fabric designs over on Spoonflower during a recent sale. If you aren’t a sewer yourself, you can get a handmade minky blanket in her beautiful patterns over at her shop. Perfect for the snuggly kid in your life. And her Mother Teresa themed mugs are simple and perfect.

7. Studio Senn: The variety of beautiful items over at Studio Senn is astounding to me, and truly I love them all. I’ve got an Immaculate Heart sticker on my phone case, and G has a set of paper dolls that she loves from the “Easter Bunny” 2 years ago. My favorites are probably the prints in the abstract collection.

Of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t suggest getting a copy of Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children for all the kids in your life (wink wink).

And last but certainly not least, today is the FINAL day of the Advent sale from Catholic Mom Bundle. You’ll find in it a December Saints Book from Rebecca and myself that I think you’ll love. If you aren’t familiar- the deal is this: 21 artists, authors, creators have pooled their time, talent, and products to create a bundle. It’s an exclusive sale, where you can get all 21 for only $25.

My favorite part about the Mom Bundle every year: it’s all done for me. I don’t have to research products or spend hours on pinterest trying to find just the right resource. The list is carefully curated for moms by moms. Check it out if you haven’t already, but don’t wait to long- it disappears at midnight.

I’m linking up with Kelly today, so click on over to learn about how she teaches Shakespeare at home.