Graduation Day

How to even put into words this day. This long awaited, much anticipated, worked and sweated for day. This husband of mine put his heart, his soul, his tears and all his strength into this degree. He is a doctor.

I cried as I watched him process in with his class, a mix of joy and relief and complete and utter gratitude filling me. He is so ready for this. Sometimes I don’t think he realizes how much this journey has changed him, how he’s stretched and grown and deepened. It has happened so slowly, so gradually. He has come into himself, become more of who he was made to be.

This man has my whole heart. Our family is strong because of him, is stronger because of these four years of sacrifice and struggle. We have grown as he has, not just in number but in wisdom, prudence, and in grace.

The next stage begins in July. We are ready.