How We Montessori


Last year I was starting to feel very pinched in our little house. I was dying to introduce more Montessori into the kids’ lives, but we just didn’t have the space. One night as I was lamenting about this to Mark, he suggested turning part of our unfinished basement into a classroom. Every night for the next few weeks we worked on it. We cleared the space and cleaned the floor, and were given a spare rug from our local Buy Nothing Group to make the space cozy. We found inexpensive shelves and foam tiles on Amazon and assembled them. The result, though imperfect, is a charming little space that perfectly fits our needs. It’s a place where the kids and I can go together to learn and explore, where they can be peaceful and concentrate on the big tasks of childhood. Gianna and William love having classroom time, which we have each morning on “Daddy At Work” days, usually during Charlotte’s morning nap. It has been astounding to watch them learn and grow, and I’m looking forward to sharing more of our Montessori journey.