Follow the Child

Even When It Means Home Grown Science Experiments

follow the child

Gianna loves experiments. LOVES them. She has ideas for creations and experiments all the time. Seriously. All. The. Time. Last week she was mixing shaving cream and water in a basket on her bedroom carpet. Yesterday, I walked into the kitchen to find that she had mixed maple syrup and red paint on the kitchen floor. It’s quite frankly exhausting not to crush her investigative spirit.

We have been working hard on the concept of asking Mom and Dad before she experiments and making sure that she has adult supervision the entire time.  And this morning for the very first time, she asked first. So even though I was not super enthused about the idea of finding what happens when you mix warm water, dish soap, and hand lotion, I put aside what I was doing and observed her as she set up and executed her experiment.

And I’m so glad that I did because it reminded me of one of Maria Montessori’s principles- follow the child. Watching Gianna work peacefully and concentrate on each step of the process she had in mind was a gift. She was careful with her pouring, focused in her stirring, and diligent in cleaning up any spills. And when she had completed what she set out to do, she cleaned it up.

Today was a reminder to me to stop and follow, to watch where her ideas take her and not interfere with her process (within reason of course- there’s only so much mess this house can take and safety is paramount). It’s a lesson I find myself learning again and again, and I am always astounded to find how capable she is.