Books We’re Loving Right Now (SQT)

I’m in a literary mood, or at least a mood to share about what we’re reading currently, so here goes.

1.Today is the Feast of Saint Francis, so G, Will, and I spent time reading Let the Whole Earth Sing Praise by Tomie dePaola and writing our own canticles. You can see the whole write up about it here.

2. I’m in the middle of reading the most wonderful book about reading. It’s called I‘d Rather Be Reading and is by Anne Bogel. It was a gift from a friend and truly a gem. I’m delighted by her style and her content is insightful. Also, the cover is charming.

3. Snuggles and read alouds are always always a favorite here. And G has been really enjoying being able to read to her siblings. She’s getting better at it and more confident every day. We started with the Bob Book series, but switched over to this set which was handed down to us. The Bob series is good, but I found that the pictures made it too easy for G to guess the text correctly without actually reading it. This new set uses a wider vocabulary and more complex pictures, so it’s more engaging for her. She can’t quite figure out what the characters are doing and wants to read to figure it out.

4. I took Gram to the used book sale a couple of weeks ago to pick out new reading material for her. Mom found a copy of Wicked for her, and she’s deep into it. She is finding it a very amusing read, and says over and over that she’s never read anything like it. I would agree, and it’s fun to watch her enjoy a book so much.

5. Charlotte has finally reached the age where she wants a book before bed, and I LOVE it. Her book of choice is Goodnight Moon, and we read it every night. It’s a favorite of mine, and fascinates children and adults alike. If you’ve never read more about Margaret Wise Brown here’s a Smithsonian article and one from the Times about both text and author.

6. William is still deep into his Titanic obsession, so most of his reading choices are on that or adjacent subjects. We found one at the used book sale, but I’m putting this one on his Christmas list if this interest stands the test of time.

7. And last but not least is Mark. He gets very little time to read, but loves a good audio book for his commutes. Currently he’s listening to Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell . I’m honestly not sure what it’s about, but it must be good because it’s probably his third listen.

What’s your family reading these days? We’re always on the hunt for the next good book over here. Drop a comment with any suggestions, and head over to Kelly to read the other SQTs.

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